Lymphatic system

The Health of the Immune and Lymphatic System

What does the lymphatic system do?

Aside from maintaining fluid balance in the body and absorbing fat from the digestive tract, the lymphatic system’s primary functions are to:

1. act like a ‘garbage collection’ service for the body, filtering the bloodstream of toxins and waste;

2. fight infection – as we have already mentioned, the lymph nodes contain high levels of white blood cells that engulf bacteria. If we have an infection, the nodes closest to the site enlarge as the white blood cells multiply inside them. This is why lymph nodes (for example in the neck, armpits and groin) often become inflamed during illness – this means they are doing their job!

So with this in mind, it is easy to see how the lymphatic system plays a crucial role in removing toxins and pathogens from the body and thereby generally supporting the immune system.

Keep that lymph moving!

One of the most important things to know about the lymphatic system is that it does not have a circulatory ‘pump’ equivalent to the heart. However, given that it is a collection point for many toxins and waste products, it is obviously important to keep these undesirable substances moving, ultimately heading for elimination out of the body.

You might be surprised to learn that we have approximately three times the amount of lymph fluid in our bodies than we do blood. In contrast to blood, which is pumped around by the heart’s contractions, lymphatic fluid generally flows around our body against gravity. But how does this happen?

Three things help to keep lymph moving: the contractions of surrounding muscles during exercise or physical activity (this can increase lymph flow by up to 15 times); contractions of smooth muscle in the lymph vessel walls; and movements of the chest when breathing.

This therefore highlights the importance of keeping active and breathing deeply – by doing so, you will be supporting lymphatic drainage and helping to cleanse your immune system!

The average modern lifestyle, filled with stress, work pressures, family pressures, lack of exercise, environmental toxins and unhealthy foods can all place a huge strain on our toxic loads and, therefore, the lymphatic system on a daily basis. A sensible exercise regime and healthy diet can go a long way towards lessening this burden.

Simon Poole is the owner of Miracle Supplements an online webstore dedicated to providing high quality dietary supplements not readily found on the high street. We also provide up to the minute articles on all aspects of health.


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